Cetop Member

ESEIAAT-Edifici TR4 (Labson)
c/Colon nº 7-11
UPC-Campus de Terrassa
08222 Terrassa (Barcelona)
Phone: +34 937 398664
E-Mail: centre.labson@upc.edu
Web: www.aiftop.es

AIFTOP service:

  • Full support to  development of the  domestic sector of fluid  power industry
  • National & international  Statistics / Market data for  Fluid Power
  • Information about  European Directives and  National & International  Standards
  • Training activities and  communication with  education institutions 

AIFTOP is the Iberian Association of Manufacturing and Trading Companies in Fluid Power Transmissions and Components. It is born in 2006 as a union between Spain (AEFTOP) and Portugal enterprises. AEFTOP was founded in 1966 with the aim of representing all the brands relating to the fluid power sector (Hydraulic and Pneumatic Technologies).
AIFTOP is a forum where manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, customers and educators work together to develop and promote industrial automation driven by fluid power technologies. The Association informs its members concisely on all matters, about industrial trends, changes and issues.