Manufacturing-X Data Space

VDMA and ZVEI present “Construction Plan Study: Manufacturing-X Data Space”What could a data space for Manufacturing-X look like in the future and what is important? The VDMA and ZVEI’s blueprint study provides an impetus for this.
Industrial Transformation in Fluid Power

After all, productivity and resource conservation are what really matter. Dr. Steffen Haack, Bosch Rexroth, VDMA, and Christian Kienzle, Argo-Hytos, CETOP, spoke with the German magazine “O+P Fluidtechnik” about the challenges facing the fluid power industry. Sustainability, digitalisation and also the shortage of skilled workers were the topics discussed. You can find the interview here.
VDMA Expert Topic Page on PFAS

Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds (PFAS) are indispensable for many industrial processes.
PFAS: EU’s plans and its devasting effects

The EU’s planned ban on the entire PFAS group of substances would endanger many industrial processes – especially the technologies of the energy transition.
Power transmission engineering and fluid power companies drive digital transformation forward

With around 4,000 exhibitors, HANNOVER MESSE 2023 will showcase how different industrial ecosystems interlock to provide solutions for resource-efficient, climate-neutral and resilient production under the keynote theme “Industrial Transformation – Making the Difference”.