FEDERTEC Next-Gen – Towards the Future

FEDERTEC Next-Gen, held on 29 May at the Visconteo Castle in Pagazzano (BG), the first event dedicated to the Next-Gen Group, saw a large participation and a significant sharing of ideas and contents among all participants.
CETOP Certificate for Italy

Approvement of ‘Istituto Omnicomprensivo “Montefeltro”’, ITALY, as CETOP Education Centre.
CETOP Certificate for Italy

Approvement of “Pneumax Academy”, ITALY, as CETOP Education Centre
CETOP Certificate for Italy

Re-approvement of “ISTITUTO SALESIANO “SAN ZENO”, ITALY, as CETOP Education Centre..
Re-approvement of FONDAZIONE ALDINI VALERIANI, ITALY, as CETOP Education Centre.

On application of the Italian Fluid Power Association ASSOFLUID, the edcuation centre “FONDAZIONE ALDINI VALERIANI””, is re-approved as CETOP Education Centre for Pneumatic Level 3 and Hydraulic Level 1. A description of the levels is available in the chapter Education / Level of Competence.